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Réplique ajouté par Gallearde 2022-11-30T13:51:46+01:00

Mike Jobber: Get someone to clean that fucking toilet, it stinks in there

Pig & Whistle Barman: I keep telling her, but it's not my fault I can't get her to clean it for me, what are you having?

Mike Jobber: Um

Pig & Whistle Barman: [notices the Kray twins walk into the bar] Never mind, they just walked in

Reggie Kray: Alright, can I have two Guinesses please?

Pig & Whistle Barman: Hang on a minute Reg, just gonna go down and change the barrel

[hides inside the basement anticipating a fight]

Mike Jobber: Reg, Ron. The Richardsons were unexpectedly engaged, so we're gonna look after you

Reggie Kray: Ah, it's alright, the landlord's gonna change the barrel for me. Don't mind if I pour myself a pint, would ya?

Ronald Kray: [Notices a weapon held by one of the mob] What is that?

Mike Jobber: Yeah what do you think, poof? It's a fucking tool

Ronald Kray: No it's not it's a fucking rolling pin. What are you, Fanny Craddock? What are you doing with that? Gonna bake me a cake? Sing me a song whilst I blow out me fucking candles?

Ronald Kray: [Lifts jacket, mimicking two guns in his pockets] I come here for a fucking shootout. A proper shootout with some proper men. Like Colonel Custer and Geronimo, you ever heard of them? No. Cause you're too busy in your pinny baking fucking fairy cakes, weren't ya?

Ronald Kray: [Turns to Reggie] Reg. This lot are fucking nonces to a man, they're fucking nonces. Get out of me fucking way, go on, get out, go on, fuck off. Call yourself a fucking gangster.

Ronald Kray: [Turns round angrily before walking out of the pub in a rage] A SHOOTOUT, RIGHT, IS A FUCKING SHOOTOUT! Like a western. WANKERS! Fucking embarrassing, waste of my time. FUCKING waste of my time!

Mike Jobber: Well your brother's done a runner

Reggie Kray: Nah he's just genuinely disappointed with you, that's all.

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