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Commentaires de films faits par Gallearde

Répliques de films par Gallearde

Commentaires de films appréciés par Gallearde

Répliques de films appréciées par Gallearde

date : 18-11-2022
Lee Flynn: Step right up, ladies and gentlemen. The Kissing Booth is open for business! Let's do this thing again!
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date : 18-11-2022
Tom: Nobody in the world makes me laugh the way you do. You're my best friend. I just wanna be with you.
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Grace: I finally meet a guy who likes me for me. And I'm not even me.
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date : 13-11-2022
Nina: It's just that sometimes, I think my time here is short. And I like to think there's something beyond here, you know?
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King Randolph: And were just missing... Geniveve.

Geniveve: Right here! Sorry, papa. Nice to see you, your grace.

Rowena: Tell me, Geniveve. Are you always late?
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date : 10-11-2022
Mouse King: [after creating a Stone Monster] Pimm, look after him. He's a little rough around the edges.

Pimm: You want me to babysit a rock?
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date : 10-11-2022
Mayor Turkey Lurkey: [to an alien] Oh, we surrender! Here, take the key to the city!

[alien zaps the key]

Mayor Turkey Lurkey: [holds up another key] Key to my car?

[alien zaps key and car at the same time]

Mayor Turkey Lurkey: [holds a box of Tic Tacs] Tic Tac?

[alien zaps Lurkey]
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Beast: [roaring] I will NEVERRRRR - A - POLOGIZE!
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[looking out the window]

Fife: Wow! Will you look at that!

Forte: Well, I think I might. I'll just pick myself up and... oh! What's this? Heavens! I'M BOLTED TO THE WALL!
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Fairy Queen: Alone they are two, but together they are one. That kind of selfless love has awesome power.

Lila: Ah! Two for one.
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date : 10-11-2022
Willie Brother #1: Maybe they jus' didn't like yer singin'?

Alameda Slim: [anger steadily rising] My "singin'"? Birds *sing.* Saloon girls *sing.* Little bitty snot nosed children *sing.* I yodel, and yodelin'... is an *art!*
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Brittany: Of course. That's why the water was so hot. It's being heated by an underground magma chamber.

Eleanor: How do you know that?

Brittany: I have no idea the place where I get my nails done always has the science channel on maybe I accidentally paid attention.
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date : 05-11-2022
Ten years ago, my best friends put their darkest secrets in writing.
- Sealed with the kiss of death.
- What does that mean?
- It means these secrets are going to the grave.
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Our next guests are the best chantting career girl group of all time, Hiphop sensations, Blakpink!
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date : 05-11-2022
[doorbell rings. Kari rushes to door, exhausted]

Syndrome: Is this the Parr residence?

Kari: [maniacally] Yes! I'm Kari - the babysitter!

Syndrome: Well, hello - Kari.

Kari: You're my replacement, thank heavens you've come! What does "S" stand for?

Syndrome: It stands for... sitter. Yeah, sitter. I was originally going to have initials for babysitter but then I would be going around with a big BS, and you can understand why I couldn't do that.
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[Lexi has become blind, and Nick is encouraging her to try a skating jump as they train together]

Nick: Hey, try a jump!

Lexi: No.

Nick: Get some air! What's the worst that could happen?

Lexi: Well, I could fall on my butt, hit my head, and go deaf.
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Assistant UCLA Coach: Who's that?

Coach Valorie Kondos-Field: Ariana Berlin

Assistant UCLA Coach: She is going to be a star!
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God's in his heaven. All's right with the world.
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Getafix: We shall return home when I've seen the last of the druids.

Asterix: [Snaps] Oh, I can't believe this! We've been trudging all over Gaul with our stupid little crib notes for weeks! Not one of these guys is good enough!

Vitalstatistix: Asterix, don't get upset.

Asterix: I am not upset! Just like you, I can stumble and fall.

[Pretends to fall]

Asterix: Oop! Ow! See that? I almost fell down. That's it, I'm done. I need a replacement. There. Meet my successor. The new first warrior of our village! Here's your dagger. And your helmet too and your potion.

Geriatrix: Hmm? - What was that? But by Teutates...

Asterix: You have a good time now. I'll be doing something else! 'Cause I'm good and fed up with the indomitables who can't see beyond their own moustaches! Obelix, are you coming?

Obelix: No Mister Asterix I'm very much not coming! I'm not following a little man who chooses an old fogey to replace him over his so-called bestest buddy! Fare ye well, Mister Asterix!

[Asterix is shocked over Obelix defying him and leaves]

Vitalstatistix: Asterix, Asterix, don't be foolish! Come on! Please, Getafix, do something!

Getafix: Asterix is free to go. My quest is not over. And if you choose not to follow me, I will understand. And I will climb up the mountain without you.
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date : 04-11-2022
I know you said not to make a big deal out of this... But we didn't listen!
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date : 04-11-2022
Lily : You're going to NYU and I'm going to Columbia. We're gonna be life partners forever.
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Do you understand what I'm saying to you?
Where am I?
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date : 04-11-2022
Zedd : (talking to the camera) : I'm about to surprise her with a date night tonight.
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Il y a sept personnes qui sont dans la loge et qui vous demande.
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La vie est imprévisible, on ne sait pas ce qu'elle nous réserve. Et même comme ça, on ne peut pas s'empêcher de croire en sa bonne étoile.
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date : 04-11-2022
Messieurs, je suis là pour encadrer votre week-end de thérapie. Ludovic, votre ami, a disparu lors de votre dernier camp le 17 juillet 1998.
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