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Les répliques ajoutées par Maddy

“- Charlie Holloway: I guess you can take your father’s cross off now.

- Elizabeth Shaw: Why would I wanna do that?

- Charlie Holloway: Because they made us.

- Elizabeth Shaw: And who made them?

- Charlie Holloway: Well, exactly. We’ll never know. But here’s what we do know. That there is nothing special about the creation of life. Right? Anybody can do it. I mean, all you need is a dash of DNA and half a brain, right?”

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“I don't see why white man has to sit in a nigger electric chair. White man should have his own damn electric chair.”

- Wild Bill' Wharton

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“On the day of my judgment, when I stand before God, and He asks me why did I kill one of his true miracles, what am I gonna say?”

- Paul Edgecomb

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“- Melinda Moores: Why do you have so many scars?

- John Coffey: Don't really remember, ma'am.”

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“- Melinda Moores: What's your name?

- John Coffey: John Coffey, ma'am.

- Melinda Moores: Like the drink, only not spelled the same.

- John Coffey: No, ma'am. Not spelled the same at all.”

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“- Brutus 'Brutal' Howell: There must be something we can do for you, John. There must be something we that you want.

- John Coffey: I ain't never seen me a flicker show.”

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“Lord in Heaven, sorry for all the bad shit I've done, all the people I've trampled on, I hope they forgive me, I won't do it again, that's for sure.”

- Toot-Toot

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“I guess sometimes the past just catches up with you, whether you want it to or not.”

- Old Paul Edgecomb

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“- Brutus 'Brutal' Howell: Do you have anything to say before the sentence is carried out?

- Toot-Toot: Yeah! I want a fried chicken dinner with gravy on the taters, I want to shit in your hat, and I got to have Mae West sit on my face, because I am one horny motherfucker!”

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“Do you believe that if a man repents enough for what he done wrong, than he'll get to go back to the time that was happiest for him and live there forever? Could that be what heaven's like?”

- Arlen Bitterbuck

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